This is a picture that one of my kids took yesterday. Not sure which one of them took it but I thought it was a nice snap shot of our life so far this week. Yesterday was a Holiday and there was a ton of snow so we stayed home all day. We just put on and took off snow clothes all day and loved every minute of it. Some friends stopped by, neighbors played. Today was an official snow day, no school. No preschool. I just got notice from the school district that tomorrow will be another snow day. Activity night is also cancelled for tomorrow. Playgroup is off for tomorrow....
I feel really at ease in this situation. I know I tend to be a mother bear and I like to have all my little cubs in my little cave with me but this week it has really hit me how much I just like being home with my family. Friends have called and invited us out. My mom asked to have the kids over, another friend invited us to dinner. And yet, I am so happy just hibernating at home with my little family. It's almost like the snow is the perfect excuse to just be home. Just be comfy. It is beautiful here. Fresh fallen snow. Happy faces. A good dad who pulls his kids and whoever else on the sled. A crock-pot full of warm dinner. Naps!! Books, slippers, movies, balloons (Emmett turns 2 tomorrow!!!).
Maybe I have some bi-polar issues going on but I feel like I am part social butterfly part hibernating mother bear.
yeah to be fair it does make a huge difference to have jeff their playing and playing and tiring the kids out. Carson had a blast and I have never heard him laugh that hard. I would stay mom too if I had built in entertainment for my kids :)
I hear you. That's one reason I love the snow, it's just so cozy! I think we are finally suppose to get snow here this weekend and I cannot wait.
You're not bi-polar. I feel the exact same way! I love having playdates and friends over, frankly I need that interaction with others. But I love even more the days when its cold out and we stay in our jammies and snuggle, read, and play at home, just us. Kaden thinks every rainy day is a jammie day! ha ha. Well, pretty much it is. :)
So I say, Good for you!
I feel the same way!
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