Thursday, April 15, 2010


I love my sister.
She knows me really well.
We are different.
Like, really different.
That is why I love her most.
She puts up with me.
I put up with her.
We have a mutual respect....
the kind that say's
"you drive me insane, but it's o.k. cause' your my sister..."
I love you, Lesh.

Her family was sick this past week so I was really nice (wink), and brought them dinner. This is what I get....

I get an email from Lesha.
This is what it says, "watch this. You are the girl in the middle seat."

That's all it said. So I clicked on the link and watched. Oh my, it was me. Jeff accompanied me and laughed the whole time. "What are you laughing at?" I asked him sweetly. His response, "come on, babe. It's funny."

So, here's to my sister....the rebel
love, me.....the goody tushu


Amber & Ammon said...

ha ha, love it! You are just too cute Andrea!

Peter and Lesha said...

that was so nice, thank you, we are so different and I have finally stopped trying to be like you:) not that your not wonderful cause you are but it was kind of stressing me out, I will just never be able to make a wonderful dinner out of some wheat substitute that i can't say or spell and there isn't more than five ingredients in my fridge that say organic. yes my child doesn't know his articles of faith but he has repeated a couple of four letters here lately (not that i am proud of that but it is what it is) love ya thank you and you know it is a spittin image of you in that video. thanks for the dinner too it was great.