Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Latest & Greatest...

Yesterday was "game day!" Braxton had been looking forward to this day for months. T-ball started 2 weeks ago and yesterday The Red Dragons had their first game. Braxton was the home-run hitter (the last batter up). This is him waiting patiently for his turn.
These clothes are what you can find him wearing any and every day of the week lately. I'm glad I said no to wearing his shirt to at least it gets washed.
Jeff is the assistant coach of The Red Dragons. This has made the season extra special. Here is Braxton wearing his "game face."
We are all ready for Spring around here. Last Sunday we took a picnic to Hovander and played Frisbee. It was so fun to be able to run and throw and catch and get my game back after being pregnant last year! Braxton was like, "oh mom! you can run faster now cause there is no baby in your tummy." I'll have to think of a new excuse for this year I guess:)
Um, I wish I could explain this scenario but I cannot. All I can say is I was gone and I came home to this. Everyone was laughing so I guess it looks worse than it really was. Maybe Jeff is really on to something.
Adelle is crazy cute and almost 2. She has been into baseball too and Braxton was nice to hand down his last years t-ball shirt to Adelle. She gets to share clothes with both brothers. In this picture she is wearing a coat that Grammy Ashmore gave to Emmett. She found it in her closet and wanted to wear I let her. It's a 2T and Emmett didn't mind.
This is her favorite place to hang out. She will stand here and watch the garbage man come, watch the many school buses go by, watch the kids walking to school and riding their bikes. It's really cute.
On Monday when Jeff and Braxton were at T-ball practice I decided to join Adelle in her favorite spot. It was funny to hear her conversation between herself and the window. I didn't say a thing. Just enjoyed the moment and the narration. It went like this..
yeah out there birdie
in wawer (water)
he eat it? (the bird was drinking the water)
what's that?
noise? yeah
Ahh car!
See mom, car!
more car
Daddy car (a white car drove by)
It's fun to see Adelle as the "big" sister. She's so kind and motherly to Emmett. It's funny because she has started to boss Braxton around too. She can get both of her brothers to laugh, cry, scream...She is definitely a woman in the works. Love this girl!
Emmett can roll over!! He is getting really big and growing up really fast. I always say that but it's true. He loves laying on our bed under his homemade mobile that I concocted. It hangs from our ceiling fan and is adjustable:) He is so so good. Just goes with the flow. Falls asleep when he's tired. Doesn't ask for much but gives so much. Always cooing and smiling. Now he's really into spit bubbles and will just lay and blow bubbles and giggle.
Emmett's eyes are still so blue. They are beautiful and they really define his looks. Both Braxton and Adelle had brown eyes by now so the blue eyes really are unique to our family. I like that each of my kids have our own little traits and these eyes of Emmett's just sparkle.
Emmett loves the tub too. Jeff's mom gave Emmett this sweet little robe. I think it makes him look like such a man when he wears it. Plus it shows some of his chub. Thanks Grammy Ashmore!
I think that sums everything up for now. I am trying to be more consistent with blogging. Every day there is so much I could blog about. Life is full.


Peter and Lesha said...

emmett is too cute and so sweet

Nancy and Spencer said...

Loved all of this!
Is Braxton pretending to sleep while tied to Adelle? Or did he actually fall asleep like that? If he did, i may have to incorporate that into Kaden's "quiet" time. :)

Batten Rouge said...

I cannot believe how big Emmett is! And so cute-LOVE those blue eyes. I also want to know if Brax & Adelle were sleeping while tied up together...if so-priceless. Miss you guys! xoxo

Andrea said...

Braxton was just pretending to sleep. Can you imagine! They were both laughing hysterically. The things dads think of!

Jessica said...

Your little family is so sweet!!

Vashti said...

That picture of Braxton and Adelle all tied up is just SO CUTE!! I love it!

Marcy M Miller said...

I love Adelle favorite spot, that is so cute how she will entertain herself! You are so lucky Emmett is such a good baby!

Marcy M Miller said...

Oh, and I love the picture of Braxton and Adelle tied together, that is something I would come home and find as well!