Saturday, May 11, 2013

"sisters rock, party rock"

"sisters rock, party rock....." "brothers rock, party rock...."

My sister is moving at the end of the month. I am sad. Every time we are together now and I see our kids, playing like brothers and sisters, I think, "these poor kids aren't going to know what hit them when there cousins don't live down the street."

Adelle calls Kate her sister. They run around the house, the yard, the park, singing, "sisters rock, party rock," and sometimes the boys yell back their version of the made up song. 

I have been trying to come up with a blog that can explain what I am feeling but I haven't had any luck.
I am happy for my sisters family and for all the new experiences they will have.
I am sad for our kids and the absence we will all feel for a while.
I am selfishly mad at the inconvenience of having to ask someone else to watch my kids on a whim.
I am curious about our relationship as sisters and how it will change.
I am excited to have a new place to visit...
I am a bit lost at the idea of her not just being here, like she always is...

Last weekend when she left with the moving van I cried, hard. Then she called me the next night and she cried. Then I called her the next day and we talked without tears. I don't think I have ever talked to my sister on the phone that much in my whole life. It could be fun, the whole talking on the phone thing.


Jayme said...

I know I am in Lynden, but if you ever need me to watch your kids I would love to....I will miss Leasha too :)

Andrea said...

Thanks Jayme :)