Wednesday, October 10, 2012

poop parade

Emmett is on potty training round take 2. So far so good. He seems more aware of what's going on this time; still not as interested as I would appreciate.

He sure looks cute in his boxer briefs though, doesn't he.

Adelle is his main cheerleader and supporter. Most likely because when he goes, she gets a treat too. 

She is asking him all day, reminding him, and sitting in the bathroom with him until there is something to show.

Tonight while I was making dinner they come prancing through, parade style, and she is singing, "Emmett Douglas is so awesome. He's so great. He goes poop. He goes poop!"

It was pretty fun to listen to.

Then every night at dinner we go around the table and say the best part of our day and something nice we did for someone else. Well tonight when it was Adelle's turn she said, "the best part of my day was watching Emmett go poop." She was totally serious too. 

I still am in a little bit of denial about the fact that M isn't going to be the official baby anymore. Maybe that's why I still call all my kids my baby. 

Oh, and Emmett's hair. I went at it yesterday. Big time. Jeff said I shouldn't be taking my "need to nest" out on Emmett's hair but he didn't say that until after I was done. Too late. He's still cute ;)


Kirsta 'n co. said...

You are brave for potty training (round 2) while expecting any moment! I'm putting off Caroline as long as I can, with Ethan as my excuse.

Even though you're always good about posting I'm glad you're keeping it up as the big day arrives because I (and I suspect a ton of other people) stalk your blog for news of the new arrival. Can't wait! Good luck! Oh, and you asked: my actual due date was September 30, so Ethan was 8 days early.

Ms. Molly said...

Amazing mom :) potty training and about to pop! Sending you good thoughts and keeping you in my prayers. Hope the newest baby Iis here soon !

Peter and Lesha said...

he is so stinkin cute in those underware :) so sweet of adelle

Lydia said...

That is so funny!

I just took the clippers to Cole's hair too :)