Friday, September 13, 2013

let's hear it for the boys!!

Gage hanging out with momma in the kitchen. Emmett called it his boat. I called it Gage Stew!

Emmett and Coton helping me make granola.

Emmett working on an art project. It's an apple tree. I traced and cut his arm and hand out of a paper bag and he glued it to the yellow paper. Then he used corks to paint apples and leaves. Way cute!

Emmett and mommy making meatballs. Emmett is my go to kitchen hand!

We are getting into the groove of things around here with our new schedule and activities. It's really nice having the boys at home. Life is slower without Adelle around. She was always wanting to go somewhere or have someone over and I must say I don't miss that. Emmett and Gage and I are totally happy at home cooking, reading, painting... it's good to be home, especially after such a busy summer!

The mornings are busy getting everyone ready for school. We decided as a family that Friday would be hot lunch day since the kids have been asking. This morning while I was doing Adelle's hair she said, "so, I promised Braxton I would have a chicken burger." Chicken burgers are Braxton's favorite thing to eat for hot lunch. Then she continued, "so the drinks are either orange juice or chocolate milk, and I know orange juice is better for me than chocolate milk." I asked her what she wanted to drink and she said, "chocolate milk!" I told her that sounded delicious!  Then she said, "but it won't be good for me if I have it every Friday, just sometimes on Friday." Those kind of conversations are super rewarding for me.

At 9:10am we leave the house and drive down the road to pick up some friends for school. My friend and I are carpooling so I take to school every day and she picks up from school and brings home. It's working great, although I miss my walking school!

I started watching another friend's little boy, Colton, everyday for a couple hours. His mom brings him here at 10:30am and his bus picks him up at my house at 12:10pm so he is here for a bit to play and eat lunch. It's been good. Today he told me he was in love with Adelle and that he was going to marry her. Emmett wasn't too sure what to do when he said that. He got super defensive of his sister.

After Colton leaves on the bus I put Gage to nap and Emmett and I do some eye therapy. He wears his patch during this time and we do hand eye stuff. Like I say numbers on flash cards and he points to them with the pointer, gluing, painting, puzzles, reading and pointing... 
He doesn't like his patch but he's never complained about it and he's never protested when I tell him to put it on. The reason I know he doesn't like it is he asks me frequently if he can take it off and when it's on I can tell he really struggles to see well. But this boy is solid and his strength is far beyond his years. He is so cooperative and happy to do whatever.

Emmett is thrilled when the kids come home! It's been so nice out that we got the kiddie pool back out and they have all been playing in the water after school, even Gage!

The new school this year has been super positive for us. The principal is amazing. Super hands on and involved. Braxton's teacher is young, 31 (just like me!!) and very organized. He really likes her and Adelle is still loving being a school girl after week 1.

Braxton and Adelle have really buddied up. It's funny how the family dynamics change with time. For the past couple years that Braxton has been in school Adelle and Emmett were really close. Now that Adelle is in school with Braxton they are like inseparable. Even at school and on the playground they play together. I think that's so sweet.

In the evenings we've been sharing one good thing that happened at school and one not so good thing. It's been a good way to hear about the day. They are more than happy to share the good and the bad so I'm hoping this will guarantee that my teenagers tell me everything! lol.

Adelle didn't know I could play, "the song from my class," so she got super excited when she came in the other night from swimming to hear it. I had to get the camera to for a short tid bit of her joy!