Friday, September 27, 2013

Come on Down...

For my sister's 30th Birthday she wanted to go to The Price Is Right Live in Portland. My mom and I were able to go down and Lesha's wish was granted!
We had a trip planned for a few weeks. My mom and I were going to drive down, with Gage of course. Peter was going to watch Gage while us ladies went to get our game on. The next day we would get pedi's, shop... do whatever we wanted to do. Then Gage and I would drive home and my mom would stay for the weekend with my dad.
Well...that was a good plan but we all know how plans go...
Gage got a runny nose/cold and didn't sleep at night for a good few days before. I battled with what to do and Jeff and I both decided that it could be torturous to leave Peter with a cranky, sick baby so we decided he would stay home with Jeff and the other kids and I would just go with my mom and make it a quick trip.
Well, Wednesday morning, the day we were to leave, I woke up super sick. Sore throat, snot...really! I don't even remember the last time I felt so awful. I decided to go anyway.
Needless to say, I totally faked it the whole time. Looking back on it now I think I was dazed the whole time. The IB Profin I took did little against the screaming and excited crowd at the show. I did manage to get a roll of tissue from the bathroom though so I was able to blow my nose the whole show, turning it a stunning bright red.
The show was a blast. I can only imagine how fun it would have been if I felt well. The host, Todd Newton, was super entertaining and it was really fun being with my mom and sister. We never do anything just the three of us! The joke of the night was if they called me down if I would bring my roll of tissue with me. None of our names were called but there was still that thrill every time they called the names. The show was at 8:30pm that night so we didn't get home until almost midnight!
Needless to say I woke up Thursday morning, packed up my stuff, and left to drive home, kleenex in tow. I drove half way home in the carpool lane before I realized I was all alone. I was seriously so not with it. I listened to my book on CD and put the pedal to the medal making it home in a record time of 4 hours flat. Her door to mine. Without going into details let me just say I was relieved to see Gage, literally, and he was happy to see me too. I was gone exactly 24 hours!

I also learned that Bob Barker is no longer the host of The Price is Right. Old news I guess but new to me. Then when my mom and sister were talking about the new host I assumed it was Jim Carrey. Nope! Wrong again. Apparently I am way out of the loop when it comes to anything Hollywood.
Drew Carey is the Host and holy it wrong of me to think that my sweet boy resembles this man?

After I took my kids to school today I made Emmett stand so I could take close up shots of him. Is it the glasses? The hair color? I don't know but this cracked me up the whole show!! All I could see was Emmett every time they showed Drew Carey on the projector! And no, Drew was not the host of our show. It was Todd Newton and although I had never heard of this man either, he was funny and I liked him. 
If you don't know who he is yet here he is.

Happy Birthday Lesha! Love you!!


Anonymous said...

I think you mean Drew Carrey. Haha. I'm glad you had a nice time. I've always wanted to see this show in person, but probably don't want to be called. Oh the taxes!

Jayme said...

One of lifelong dreams is to be a contestant...someday