Thursday, July 29, 2010

pay day

My little Braxton never ceases to make my day. He is so kind and whoever steals his heart one day better be amazing!
Today I am getting him and Adelle a snack, blueberries, cucumbers and pretzels.
I am putting the snacks in two bowls and he is serving his sister and then himself.
He looks up at me, and simply says,
"you're a really good mom."
I am so touched and I say,
"Thank you, Braxton."
He continues,
"you get us snacks all the time and play with us all the time."

He is so appreciative and it blows my mind that someone so young is already so grateful.

1 comment:

Peter and Lesha said...

that is sooooo sweet, and I can't believe he said that, I know he is sweet but wow he really understands the work you do, that is great. He is so patient with Adelle and Carson whenever Carson comes home from being at your house he is saying the new "braxton saying" for the day, He wants to be just like him.