Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hipster… Homie… Hippie?

What do you think?
Hipster? Does anyone really know what this is? I am not sure I understand completely but I think it’s like a trendy hippie? Gage’s outfit makes me think Hipster I guess or just his cuteness. If I saw him walking down the street I would most definitely turn my head in his direction ;)
Homie? The way this babe rocks the beanie makes me think homie-G all the way!
Hippie? Well let’s be frank. He was born into that one without much of a choice. BUT, he does have some of his own hippie ways. Like he sleeps best outside in the fresh air (imagine someone hippish laying in a hammock). He also likes to be barefoot (so he can eat his toes). Imagine someone downtown just walking around without shoes. And he likes to eat frozen blueberries blended with frozen breastmilk. I’m not for sure but I have a feeling I could probably open a stand down-town and sell this special smoothie and people may buy it once I explained all the nutritional properties and if I used something biodegradable to sell it in.  Oh and his hair… I don’t know what to classify that as.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

This made me laugh! Especially the part about biodegradable containers oh gosh that's so true!

I would turn and look at him too if I saw a tiny baby walking down the street ;)

He's definitely a hipster.