Let me try and express the many emotions I am feeling right now.
Braxton turns 5 in a month (really!!??), which means that for almost 5 years I have been wrestling with the idea of homeschooling my children. A good friend of mine put it perfectly when she said something to the effect of, "but what if the teachers at school don't recognize how brilliant my child is?) That is exactly how I feel, about all my children, and it seems almost unfair for them to go and possibly get lost in the crowd of 30 other children. However, I also feel really passionate towards public school and the chance that it gives my children to learn, grow, teach, and experience life outside of our little bubble. That is also important. I could go on and on, listing pro's and con's of each but the reason I am a fence sitter on this issue is because I really don't think one way is better than the other.
So, because of a loving Heavenly Father who knows me so, so, well my first little October Baby (Braxton) will not start school until next fall. This gives me an extra year to make the big decision. With that in mind I recently gave in to the honest truth that Braxton will thrive in public school. He is social and smart and he knows who he is and I know that realistically if I told him we were going to do school at home he would be really dissapointed. To support my decision I decided public school would be secondary to his primary education which he will be taught at home. I will work with him at home on reading, writing, math,...and then he can use the public school for learning about marijuana, bad words, and video games.
With that decision I was recommended a book by a friend called,
The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. I checked it out at the Library and it's already been phenomenal. Braxton and I are working on the vowel sounds right now and he's loving it. Adelle chimes in sometimes too which is also great and it gives Braxton a chance to teach his little sister the sounds. Extra practice for him! I was feeling really good about the decision until....
Yesterday was supposed to be the first day of school for the district we are in. It was not. The teachers went on strike. They are in controversy over a few extra minutes of pay and as of today school will not start until at least Monday.
I do not know all the facts. I do not understand all the lingo. It makes me sad that in the recession we are experiencing, these teachers can't be grateful and appreciative of the jobs they do have and the money they do get! I'm confused at the dynamic between teaching for money and teaching for the love of the children. I know it is their job. I would also agree that they are highly underpaid and overworked. It's all so complicated but yet simple?
The parents need to take the time to raise their children with good manners so that the teachers don't need to waste much of their time conflict managing.
The parents need to send their children to school well rested, well fed, and with an understanding of respect for themselves and others.
The parents need to practice with their children the things they are learning in school so that the teachers time can be more productive.
Then the teachers can have the money they are fighting for because it won't be wasted on spending 15 minutes disciplining Freddie or on making sure Suzie has breakfast.
Thanks for hearing me out. I feel better!As for me, I will do my part and for now my china cabinet will be filled with unorganized books.
You're the same today as you'll be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read.” |
- Charlie "Tremendous" Jones