Thursday, August 26, 2010


These kids make me lol (laugh out loud) multiple times a are some examples.
Drinking from the slip n' slide. Even Emmett got in on this action.
The ability Braxton has to coerce anyone who comes over to play to wear his underwear on the outside of their pants Super Hero Style!
Riley was excited to be an outside of the pants underwear wearer!
Adelle's hiding spots. She constantly puts things in little spots. Jeff and I were going to bed one night and he went to set the alarm and we found the peas she had picked earlier that day from the garden!?
On a different occasion I went in to put the clean sheets on our bed and found this
handy dandy drink holder Adelle had discovered and made use of.

Yes I did have a turn. Yes it did make me laugh hysterically. Yes I did get dropped by my dear husband. Yes he will be improving his upper body strength so to never drop me again!!


Rach said...

Love'n the underwear.

The gardiners used to be in my ward, I actually baby sat them! They were the friends we stayed with before we found our own place here in nc. Amazing family, 8 kids!

The Bowldens said...

Adelle makes me laugh. she's such a fun character!

Peter and Lesha said...

that is too funny I love how adelle hides vegetables a girl after my own heart. Fun blanket ride, I would have been dropped too, not cause peter isn't strong though just cause I weight lots:)

Anonymous said...

That video is hilarious! I was sitting here at work laughing to myself!! Where's the video of your turn? ;)love you!

Brian and Amy Wilson said...

How fun I guess we have known each other for about 15 years. Where has the time gone? I love watching your kids grow up and all your family adventures! Thanks for sharing!