Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Conversations with my 2 year old

This morning Braxton and I were talking about the Temple. He was telling me that when he gets to be a daddy then he is going to go to the Temple. I got out mine and Jeff's wedding pictures and I was showing him that mommy and daddy got married in the Temple. Then he said, "I get married in the temple when I'm a daddy." I'm hoping this marriage actually happens before he is a daddy but I love and adore his innocence and his desire to be like his daddy. Then I said, "what pretty girl are you going to marry in the Temple?" He looked at me and thought for a minute then he said, "Bauma." (this is what he calls my mom "grandma"). He loves his grandma! It was so sweet! He's just been cracking me up with what he says lately.


April said...

I love talks with my son Paden too, they are so sweet! Paden talks about the temple all the time!

Rachel Ashmore said...

Great picture! =)

Peter and Lesha said...

that is the cutest thing he has ever said, I am sure mom is just so happy, I miss spending more time with him, Carson keeps me pretty busy, even when I am around Brax I can't just sit and listen to him say cute things anymore cause I am chasing my little one around, he is such a sweetheart and such a good kid, Carson has a lot to live up to! I really could just listen to him talk all day.

Ernest Pratt said...

I love this story 2 year olds are SOOO much fun!
Great photo. Beautiful kid!