Wednesday, August 22, 2012

baby talk

33 weeks pregnant
Picture taken by Braxton

This morning I got to hold a good friend's newborn baby. It kind-of hit me all of a sudden that I am going to have one of those again soon.

The past 33 weeks have been a whirlwind. Life has been so busy and I honestly forget I am even pregnant, honestly.

There are some fun things going on around here and I wanted to make sure that I remember them.

They are not in any particular order.

* Adelle wants to know how the baby got in and how it is getting out. She asked me this tonight, at the dinner table, and I told her we would talk about it later. Her response, "ok, like when the boys can't see?" I have no idea what that was suppossed to mean. Needless to say I forgot to answer her. Later came and went and now they are in bed and it will have to wait for another day. Gives me time to prepare, I guess.

* The baby boy has a name!! This is like as of last week so we are really excited about it! It's not a secret but I'm not going to post it until he's born. You can ask me though, and I will tell you. It did take us a while on this one but we got it, and it's perfect!

* The kids kiss my belly now and love to feel him move. It's fun to listen to them squeal when they feel a kick.

* I am still totally comfortable and sleeping well at night. While in Utah for my brother's wedding I didn't sleep well but it must have been the heat/air conditioner/adrenaline... I don't know because once I was home I could sleep again.

* Often Braxton will randomly say, "Wow, I just can't believe we are having another baby." It makes me laugh every time. As if he has some major role in the whole occurrence. He says it with a lot of obligation like it may just send him over the edge or something. He's baffled by the whole thing apparently.

* I am most curious about Emmett and can't really even imagine him as not being the baby. He is so babied by everyone around here that it will be interesting to see what he thinks of his new baby brother. I am not looking forward to him looking big next to the baby. That's always emotional for me.

* Baby comes alive at night time and last night Jeff and I laid in bed and watched my stomach move. It's still such a miracle. 

* I had to look at the Due Date Calculator on the computer before this post to know how far along I even am. Talk about way different than pregnancies 1,2, and 3!

* I still squeeze into some of my same clothes. Maternity clothes are just not the same as my good old t-shirt, yoga pants, and hoodie.

* Earrings and heals do a lot for me lately. It's amazing how much more attractive those two accessories can make you feel when you need it.

* My whole family have turned into "ice chewing maniacs." It started with me. Then Jeff was hooked shortly after. Now all 3 kids have to have crushed ice in their water every time. I guess I am a trend setter. Our ice machine is working overtime.

* Fresh, homemade fruit crisp is my favorite thing in the world and I ate it 3 days in a row. Day 1 was one that I made for my mom's house guests. It was Raspberry Rhubarb (both from our garden). Day 2 and 3 was my mom's creation with fresh blackberries from her yard and peaches. Yum!

* No swollen nothing! I have been so nervous in this heat and in Utah heat that I would swell up like a balloon but so far none. Still crossing my fingers (and drinking tons of water!)

* No baby hiccups. Not yet anyway. I like it when the baby hiccups because it reassures me that baby is head down.

* I am not super tired. I remember in pregnancies past being wiped out and so far I don't have that this time. Maybe it's because I have more to do?  Maybe it's because the sun is giving me energy? Maybe it's because I'm just not to that point of the pregnancy yet?... don't know.

* Two of my siblings have gotten married and I have been hugely pregnant at each of their weddings. I only have one sibling left....

* I am reading the best "parenting" book ever. It is making me feel very French. I love her view and have many similar parenting philosophies. It's been a really empowering read.

*We don't have a nursery. Our home is growing smaller and our family is growing bigger. I am not complaining. The former babies room is now the play room so we will see what we work out. I don't think babies require much space (they fit in your belly).

* I am total chill this time around. It's been the best pregnancy and I think it's because I haven't given it my every ounce of energy. I am happy. I am busy. I have a full life. I have done it before. I know it's not really in my hands. I am excited. I am still. It's awesome.


Andrea said...

You look so good! I just read that book, and I loved it.

April said...

How exciting.

Marcy M Miller said...

You look so good and I'm glad you are doing so great!!! How exciting to have a new baby soon.