Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can you guess??

Can you guess what this is a picture of???

I will post the correct answer tomorrow! It's very cute.

On another note, there are many traits I want to teach my children. There are the usual; be kind, be honest, be responsible.....there are millions, right, I'm a mom.
However for me, it's more than the usual. I really want all my children to:
1. Be able to compliment people freely and openly and often. I want them to recognize the good in others and to be able to express how they feel without hesitation. If someone has a nice haircut then say, "wow, you have great hair," even if you don't know them. Make them feel special.
2. Be self confident. In order to see the good in others you have to really know that you are hot stuff. I'm pretty sure all my kids know they are the bomb. I think confidence is so important in so many ways. Not to be boastful or arrogant but to be sure of who you are and what you stand for. They were made to be great and only in recognizing that will they be able to fully accomplish all that is in store for them.

So, now that you've heard that soap box, I want to share the conversation that I overheard my children having this morning. They are sitting at the table, drawing and coloring. I am a few feet away doing dishes and eavesdropping.

A: "Wow Bax, you are a wealwy good colorrrerrr."

notice that she is being complimentary

B: "I know."

notice he is confident

That is awesome!!


Nancy and Spencer said...

Is it Braxton and Adelle wearing silly bands walking in clouds of hearts?

You are such a great mom. Really! I was asking Spenc last night, "When are we going to visit with the Ashmore's? I really like Andrea!" (Aren't blogs great for long-distance-get-to-know- you?!)

The Burrow Family said...

Cute, that pix is of Brax and Adelle with all their silly-bands on. (hearts just show how much they love them)