Monday, September 29, 2008

"Don't flush mom, we have to save it to show dad when he get's home!

It's official. My baby boy is growing up and wears underwear!

Ever since the beginning of the summer Braxton has been showing interest about going potty and poop-ew on the toilet. I have to admit it was me that was stalling on the whole potty training thing. With a newborn and her blowouts I just wasn't in the mood for accidents anywhere else. Finally, after my costco bill was almost $800 one month (yeah really, but that's gas and lots of food storage stuff too) I decided that I really didn't need to be buying diapers for two. I decided that would be the last box of diapers I ever bought Braxton and I stuck to it. Braxton knew the plan and we were able to watch the diaper pile slowly dissapear together. When there were no more left he was close enough to potty trained that we said, "ok, no more diapers, you get to just wear underwear now." Followed by, "Wow, what a big boy to wear underwear......" and on and on about the big boy thing. He loves the "big boy" label and is a "treat" fein so the combination of the two equaled major success. I also made a chart and we had stickers that he got to put in the really happy big boy column or the sad accident column depending on which happened but I do know my child and as I expected the chart lost it's incentive after about 3 days. Quarters also worked for a while but the treats are what he really looked forward too. That and the happenin' potty dance that we do together after he's done.

I had bought a box of pull-ups a few months back when they were on sale and I did introduce them for nights at first and for when Braxton went to a play group without me but I found them to be not very helpful. After he woke up 4 mornings in a row with dry pants we went to underwear at night and so far no wet beds!!! We will see but I am pretty positive that he's got the potty thing down.

I had heard my share of potty training horror stories but I didn't find it to be bad at all. I think the best advice I have is to wait until they are ready and then go with it, really casually at first until they get the just of it. Who knows?


Peter and Lesha said...

thats great, glad it was easy and fun for both of you. He is such a sweetheart love the picture of him with baby girl, what a great big brother.

turbofishy said...

That's so great! I LOVE not having to deal with diapers anymore.

April said...

Yeah! Conratulations!! I felt the same way and was worried that tiolet training was going to be a huge nightmare. Luckily it was so much easier than I ever thought. Paden had 2 accidents the first day and that was it! The best thing of all was watching how proud he was of himself. There is nothing better!
Good job, Andrea and Braxton!

Marcy M Miller said...

Thats great! It is best to wait until their ready then it is a breeze. Good Job Braxton!