Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm convinced

Ignorance is bliss


knowledge is power

Can you have both at the same time? Is one "better" than another? I feel like I am both, in different areas. I even feel like I am both in the same areas!? Is that possible? In some areas I'm glad I'm ignorant (for my heart rates sake). In other areas I feel thankful for knowledge I've acquired.
That's all I've got. I've just been pondering these thoughts recently. I won't expand for lack of time, energy, more important things to do like play hide n' seek with my kids...
what are your thoughts?
Would you rather be blissful or Powerful?


Vashti said...

I would have to say I am a little of both too!

Jessica said...

I want to be both!! And thankfully we are women that can be!! You are amazing Andrea~

Rachel Ashmore said...

I've thought a lot about this too. Knowledge usually accompanies some kind of pain...which I would prefer to be without, thank-you-very-much. But then, you look at the purpose of life...which is in a nutshell: to get knowledge and become more like God...who happens to know everything. Wouldn't it make sense that God, then experiences an immense amount of pain as a result of all that he knows? But the amount of joy we experience is directly proportional to the amount of pain we experience...so God must be the most joy-filled being around. And men are, that they might have joy...sooo, I'm not seeing an easy way around it, darn it all. I still dig in my heels every tune U am presented with an opportunity to gain knowledge and grow, because I have already learned that it will somehow accompnay discomfort of some kind! Anyway, I obviously haven't been able to organize all of these thoughts in a way that makes sense yet...I guess I've got more to learn. *sigh*