Monday, September 21, 2009

Life's a Beach!

I love these two! They make me so happy
Just hangin' out!
I love this man. He is everything to me and the greatest husband and father a girl could get!
One day she will act like a lady....for now we just love her spunk and adventurous attitude!

I completely love the beautiful place where we live. This summer has been so fantastic and there is no where in the world I would rather spend my days then right where I do. We have spent so many days at the beach and enjoying the outdoors. I love the Northwest!


Peter and Lesha said...

it's true we do live in a great place, I will enjoy it more next summer I think:) she is just getting cuter and cuter by the day, I hope she never acts like a lady, I love when ever you talk about her clothes she knows exactly what you are saying.

Ratchfords said...

I agree - this is the best place ever!