Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This is sort of happening

Gage has been showing a lot of interest in the potty as of late. On Saturday we took him and Adelle to the store and purchased this fabulous singing training toilet. None of my other kids have required a toilet that sings to them as they tinkle and then chants for them to get toilet paper but, Gage isn't one of my other kids.
Walking through the store he is exclaiming in a not so quiet voice, "Where is my toilet? Where is my toilet?" After we found one and brought it down to his level he immediately sat on it, in the store, and then got up and told his sissy it was her turn to go potty.
Since then it's been hit or miss. But that's sort of just life right now. I haven't hammered down and committed myself to training him. In the mornings I have excuses. Breakfast to make, lunches to make, homework to check and make sure it's been done correctly, ... Let's just say if I wanted to potty train him right this second I would. But I just don't yet. It hasn't been the mommy priority. So when the kids are at school and I take off his diaper and ask him if he wants to sit on the potty and he says no. I simply put his diaper back on him and we go on our busy way.
So, simply put, Gage is being potty trained by his 6 year old sister. Who is proving to be more than competent for the job. Adelle gives Gage a piece of her very own gum after he goes on the potty and let me just say, he runs to her after he's gone and not me. He sits in the bathroom with her cheering him on for half the day and they both are so entertained by the toilet that it's more of a game than a chore.
I told Jeff last night that I wish there was a program for Adelle through the school that would actually give her credit for all of her hard work on this matter. I can see the heading of her thesis, "How I used Gum and a Singing Toilet to Potty Train my Two Year Old Brother."
She's doing a really good job and I am so relieved by her dedication and perseverance.


Andrea said...

I love it! I just spent last weekend potty training Lina. She did great and we are officially out of diapers!!! My friend gave us one a little singing potty too and she doesn't use it much but if she does she prefers it to be in the kitchen. I had never had to have a little potty before either, sometimes it is useful since we only have one real toilet but it sure is fun when it starts singing in the middle of the night for no apparent reason ;)

amber york said...

What a good little mommy you're raising! Sibling dynamics, and their infinite network of love is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!