Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Goodbye 2014

As the New Year is upon us I find myself once again recommitting myself to my blog and the weekly updates of life around here. There are so many little things that matter and it’s the little things that I know I forget when the day is through. Here’s to keeping up in 2015!

And some important pasts that I don’t want to ever forget.


Like the nice cold, lovely days that the little boys and I spent playing chase at the park. The beautiful harbor and the fresh air that got us through some long afternoons.


That Saturday when I went outside to find my newly two year old on the roof with his dad. I was immediately labeled “Paranoid Princess” by my husband and ordered to go back in the house.  Crazy boys!

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Oh yeah, and Gage turned two! Which happened on a Sunday. He was treated with apple crisp, which he referred to as, “apple pie,”  with whipped cream for breakfast and for the week after his birthday he wanted apple pie for every meal and after we would pray he would sing “HappU birthday to me” while eating. It was really funny for a while and at Umpa’s birthday the next month Gage pretty much stole the show singing, “HappU birthday to Umpa.”

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A couple weeks after Gage turned 2 Braxton turned 9. The flag football party I threw proved to be awesome and he was thrilled to have his buddy’s over for a game of football at the school, where he scored the winning touchdown, of course, after receiving a perfect pass from his dad. Following the game they had pizza and made their own Sundae’s. This boy has really grown up this year. We love him so much. He is currently obsessed with the Seahawks, and Marshan Lynch.


To feed his obsession, and that of the rest of us, we sporadically attended a Seahawks block party in Ferndale. One Friday morning while I was running we ran into this party being set up in a neighborhood so I came home, got the kids and Jeff up and we all geared up in our Seahawks gear and went to the party where Braxton was on the radio and we all got on a local news station. 



The three boys play football and tackle, a lot. Inside, outside,… wherever.


Back in November I started working for my Aunt Babe as a fill in at Our Diner. After not waiting tables for 8 years I found it all to come back naturally and have enjoyed working the Friday night shift since then.  I had forgotten how much I liked those tips!


Sometimes I receive these little mommy pay checks that amount to zero worth to others but are worth a fortune to me as a mom. Like the time in December when I took Braxton to the dentist only to have the dentist tell me that Braxton had the most well developed teeth the dentist has seen in years. His back teeth are solid, where kids his age are usually still porous, which means there is no need for a sealant and which also means that he is getting plenty of vitamins and minerals that are allowing his teeth to be strong and resilient. Thank you.


The big kids and I soaking up the season festivities at Thanksgiving making pies galore.

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The week long visit of Andrew and Rachel who came the week of Thanksgiving and who we enjoyed tremendously on all levels. There is something about having people in my home that makes me feel really vulnerable sometimes but having these two was so relaxing and just plain fun!


And, out of order,  last but certainly not least, the summer we got our house looking all spiffy and the day that I watched through the window as Jeff stuck a For Sale Sign in the front yard of my hub.

It’s funny the mixed emotions I feel about this house. On the one hand it’s mine. It has been our home and our haven for what feels like forever but realistically almost 9 years of our lives. Two of my children were born in this house. We took out floors, and walls, and got ripped off on windows back in the early days when we didn’t know better. But on the other hand I am over it. Ready to move on with my life and breathe. I feel like our stuff is creating a cave around us and I want my little girl to have her own closet and her own space.

Into the New Year we go!

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