Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Braxton’s Baptism



Braxton was Baptized the weekend after his 8th Birthday.

It was a really special day for him and for our whole family. This was his choice. We believe that babies are born innocent and that it is not until the age of eight that children really can distinguish between right and wrong and be held accountable for their choices. Braxton prepared himself well. He has been excited about turning 8 so that he could be baptized. I am so thankful for the young man he is turning into and for this important step he took in his life.


To learn more about the baptismal ordinance you can click  Here


The day was really special. Braxton was baptized by his dad and confirmed a member of the Church by his dad, the Bishop, and all of his living Grandfathers. That was pretty awesome.

Lots of family came to town to be there for Braxton and to share in his special day. His baptism was full of family and friends who have loved and supported Braxton in his life. Both of his Grandma’s spoke at his baptism and he, his sister and brother, and all of his cousins did a special musical number.  They sang this sweet song, in front of the whole crowd (which was large!) It was so sweet and beautiful and special for Braxton. There is not much sweeter than the sweet voices of children singing praise.

I have a really strong testimony of the choice that Braxton made to be baptized. I know that none of us are perfect but that Christ is perfect and that through following His example we are given the opportunity to return and live with Him again.  I hope that Braxton and all of his cousins who sang that beautiful song will remember it’s words throughout their lives and live by it’s principles.


Kelsey said...

How do you have an 8 year old?! I remember coming over to your apt. for dinner when he was just a few months old.

What a lucky boy to have so much family there to support him.

Bham2Sisters said...

I am so sad I missed this. Congratulations to Braxton and mom! What a wonderful blessed event.
