Thursday, June 23, 2011

lost on the beach somewhere

So our computer bit the dust. Big time!
Basically I am completely out of any loop and actually after the initial shock I'm ok with it.
It's amazing how the computer became such an important part of my life.
It's a bit refreshing not checking my blog, my email, the weather, ....
I told Jeff the other night as we were laying on trampoline under the stars,
"I feel like we are on some exotic vacation, lost on the beach somewhere, where we have no idea what's going on at the homefront."
He agreed.
So that is where we are. Loving life, non-techy style.


Andrea said...

That happened to us over Christmas and it was actually really nice.

Peter and Lesha said...

yeah we have all learned to rely so much on phones/computers and stuff it was nice at silver lake not having reception, until I got lost for an hour then it would have been nice :)

amber york said...

I heard you broke your computer on purpose because you were guilty of your addiction to blogs! jk. :) Don't you love how rumors get started! :)