Yesterday Emmett and I went on a walk, just the two of us.
It was nice.
The whole time I was thinking, "remember when you just had one baby and you used to go on walks." I would sing and talk and point out trees and birds.
This walk I didn't do any of that. I actually still do all of that all day long, answering questions,
describing feelings, singing songs...
So this walk was a nice quiet walk.
Just my baby, asleep, and me.
For a moment I thought, "Is Emmett being deprived of all of that?"
Then I remembered that not only do Jeff and I get to talk to Emmett but...
Braxton talks to Emmett
Adelle talks to Emmett
Emmett is a lucky kid and I don't think he is deprived of anything.
Except, maybe some personal space once in a while.
Hey M, I know how you feel!
On a side note. I've started calling Emmett "M". I really like it and I think it's fitting. The other day Jeff asked, "why do you call him that?" I said something to the effect of, "cause I like it, why not?" Jeff said a little hesitant,"I don't know if I like it." Me, "what?" Jeff, "isn't that what they call that blonde girl on Legally Blonde?"
Me (laughing) "that's L you dork."
Are you kidding?
Does she know who I am?
But that is just her...if she wants something she goes for it.
Why not ask?
I remember Braxton would stand up here for hours playing in the running water.
Now this is what Adelle likes to do.
Mommy's little helper!
I can't believe how big Emmett looks! I feel like Bianca is growing up twice as fast as Olivia.
Stinkin' cute is right! M looks like he is getting his own personality, and no he is not deprived of anything! Adelle cracks me up, wish we could play together that would be fun and trouble! Gabby loved to do dishes, although I haven't had her do them in some time... need to start that again! Glad you got a quiet walk, quiet is seldom seem with such smart and fun kids!
Adorable!! Each of them are so special in their own way!
yeah that first picture of M is soo cute love it he is getting big and I have to say Adelle is my favorite ever:) I could just watch her and the poor girl doesn't have a prayer getting a jelly bean out of you in the morning:) she seriously is so funny and Braxton is soooo patient with her. yep Carson would stand at the sink all day too
what?! no way, I was just reading your birth story and getting all emotional! crazy how time flies!
I love little adelle, I have never met her but her spunky personality pops right out of the pictures, I bet LIly and her would be a good team:)
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