Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lady in Waiting!

These were Jeff's words this morning as he was getting ready for work. "It's really raining out there, today would be the perfect day to go into labor." Meaning that since he works construction outside it would be nice if he didn't have to work in the rain. I just smiled and thought, "yes, that sure would be perfect."
So here I am, still pregnant and waiting in anticipation. My calander is completely empty for the week as I have not made plans, assuming that our baby girl will soon be here to keep us busy. I have cleaned the house spotless for the 4th time in the last week. The carpets are vacuumed, the floors are scrubbed and all the laundry in the whole house is washed and put away. Braxton is starting to wonder if he will ever be a big brother. I think he is tired of riding in the car next to Adelle's empty carseat, wondering if mom's lap will ever be back to normal. Jeff can't focus at work as he anxiously waits for the magic phone call. I am completely preoccupied wondering when I am going to start having REAL contractions and how many more miles I can possibly walk. My dear mom came and took Braxton for the day so I could relax and rest and I have never felt so restless. I know I should be taking advantage of this time but here I sit, stradling my excercise ball, swaying my pelvis and drinking my raspberry leaf tea. Something will work soon I just know it!


Marcy M Miller said...

Sorry that you haven't gone into labor- it really stinks going over your due date. Hallee was a week late- finally induced after a stress test, because she was stressed. Blyss was 1 day late, but I was also induced due to the fact that we were moving soon. I tried everything I could to get both of them to come on my own- nothing worked for me! I have sympathy for you- I hope she comes soon.

Kelsey said...

I was just thinking about you today wondering if you'd had your baby yet and it looks like you haven't. Hopefully she'll come soon! I don't have any tips on how to go into labor either, sorry. Good luck!!!

Craison said...

Hey, I have a blog now! :O)

Taryn said...

I've been thinking about you tons checking your blog waiting for pictures of you little one. I'm sorry that nothing has happened. As gross as it sounds (and tastes) I swear it works.... castor oil. 3 hours after you drink it you'll be in labor and it's so worth it! Good luck!

April said...

I keep checking your and Lesha's blog in hopes to hear that you've had your little girl! My sister gave birth last Saturday (4 days after her due date) and she was SO ready to have her that she kept her phone off because she didn't want anyone calling and asking if she's had the baby yet!!
Hopefully your baby comes soon! I can't wait to see what she looks like!

Vashti said...

We couldn't be more excited about your future bundle of joy! So fun to see that you have a blog. We're thinking about you!

Me and My Boys said...

Hey Guys! I found you off of Meredith's blog, I can't believe you're little guy is sooo big, and I didn't know you sis had a baby! too fun, it's good to see ya!

Me and My Boys said...

Hey congrates my mom just told me you had a baby girl, Yea!!! that's so exciting!