Saturday, September 3, 2011

smashed peas

Due to some technical difficulty I am having trying to upload my pictures from a fun day I found this old picture.
These are my new favorite thing.
I call them smashed peas.
Boil water.
Add frozen peas.
Cook until peas are tender.
Drain most of the water.
Add a tad of butter and a ton of fresh garlic (I like 3-4 cloves)
smash together.
Serve warm or cold.


A and C said...

Um, a ton of garlic usually is 10-15 cloves, not 3-4. If I made them, I would add 10 cloves. Darrens favorite things are frozen peas!

Andrea said...

Candace who do you borrow garlic from now that we aren't neighbors?
No wonder you go through it so fast!

Ms. Molly said...

I tried this and love them! Also, I totally have been trying to comment on the Healthy Homemaker but can't :( I am going to try and make the Italian Plum cobbler tomorrow!