Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Because I'm the big sister

Because I'm the big sister I kept my whole family up until Midnight so we could go up to Squamish, BC and watch my brother's last home basketball game.
(notice Emmett's sleepy face)

Because I'm the big sister I ironed #5 on all of my kids clothes so everyone would know who they were rooting for.

Because I'm the big sister I can't comprehend that Bryce is graduating college this spring and there will be no more watching him play basketball.

Because I'm the big sister I basically stood under the hoop to get this sweet shot.

Because I'm the big sister I cry when Bryce plays good ball. Jeff laughs at me when this happens.
He's never been a big sister before.

Because I'm the big sister I remember always going and watching Bryce play basketball.
He's been fun to watch ever since he was little.

Because I'm the big sister I love how Braxton idolizes Bryce and thinks he is on the Quest team too.
We took Braxton to his first Basketball game when he was 3 weeks old to watch Bryce's high-school team. I can still feel myself tensing up every time the buzzer sounded and thinking it was going to blow my baby's eardrums.

Because I'm the big sister I had the nerve to get this picture as the team was huddling up to start the game. I'm not scared of his coach, or his team, or even him, for that matter. It's for posterity.

Quest didn't disappoint Saturday night. They were ahead the whole game and ended up beating Capilano by 1 point. It was a close one. I'm glad we were there to support my brother.
He's a star and we love him.


Anonymous said...

Adelle looks so happy in all those pics! Love the one of Emmett's sleepy face. I can't believe Bryce is graduating either! So crazy. Those pics were great!!

Peter and Lesha said...

that made me cry, he is amazing and I too can remember watching him and brent play when they were so little and how much fun it was then and how much fun it still is now. wish I could have been there, your kids look shot but I know they loved it:) that was so sweet.

amber york said...

You are such a good sister! I love seeing your excitement for Bryce. We never really did this as a family. We all love eachother full heartedly, but sports weren't our thing I guess. We cheered eachother on in other ways. I love seeing your power of love!!! That's what families all about!

Doneva said...

I'M so grateful that you are the BIG sister too, you have filled those shoes so full of love and support THANKS for the great photos, Love you MOM