Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memorial Day

 "Braxton, come on, real smile." "This is my smile, mom."
 "Adelle are you really freezing?" "It's so cold!" (58 degrees and sprinkling)
 "Emmett look at mommy!" "Cheese!"

 "Gagey... hi Gagey...look at momma..."
"ok, if you are a baby, look wherever you want. Everyone else, eyes on me!!" "Cheese."

Monday we got up and after breakfast we drove to a couple of the local cemeteries to see the flags and visit the gravesites of some of our loved ones who have passed on.

Contrary to the depictions above, the kids really enjoyed this whole morning. They were very curious about my Papa and my Grandpa and about the baby that was still born and didn't have a dash on her marker. They asked questions all day and it made for really good conversation.

I love Memorial Day. I grew up with parents who valiantly took us around on Memorial Day to visit the cemeteries and taught us about our ancestors. I am so thankful for their example. There were times when I didn't enjoy it. Like in middle school when all my friends were meeting at the mall or going to a movie and I got to go around with my family, commonly in the rain, and put flowers on headstones. But, I am thankful that I learned to do it because I feel like it is a respectful thing to do and as it parent it offers numerous teaching opportunities. Also, I think the diligence paid off because my brother and his girlfriend met us at the cemeteries and spent the morning with us. I am sure if Lesha and Brent still lived here they would have met up with us too.

 Then we took our kids to ice cream! It was a very special treat and they were very excited about it. Emmett chose chocolate. Braxton chose mint oreo, and Adelle chose cookies and cream.

We spent the rest of the afternoon vegging out on the couch. Jeff and I dosed off while the kids watched Kung Fu Panda 2. Jeff made us a fire and we had a family home evening lesson on the resurrection and Jeff taught the kids about what happens when we die and a little more about why are bodies are buried in the earth. I got out pictures of my Papa and Grandpa and we talked about them and what they were like. I was about Braxton's age when Papa passed away so it was interesting recollecting what I could about him and explaining it to Brax.

I love days like this with my family.

1 comment:

Doneva said...

THAT is a beautiful tribute to your grandpas, it's so fascinating reading your perspective of what dad and I did while you were growing up, so grateful for your gratitude and appreciation for ALL that you have, we have been BLESSED