Friday, November 2, 2012


Halloween was beautiful and blustery this year. The morning was cold and rainy and then it cleared up and it was warm and beautiful. By dusk, however, the winds started blowing and the rain started pouring. All through dinner Jeff and I looked at each other like, "do we really have to go out in this??" We tried to convince the kids that it would be just as fun to walk up and down the hallway and knock on all the doors of the house and trick or treat from room to room but they would have nothing of it. So.... after dinner we ventured out. It actually wasn't bad. We were bundled up and it wasn't really even cold, just wet.

I have been reminding myself of the motto, "know your limit, stay within in." It is constantly running through my head these days. I can't even remember what it is supposed to be for but it's helping me balance.  That being said I knew it would be a busy day. We had a fun party that afternoon at Adelle's preschool. Emmett was thrilled to get to go to school with sis and all of us had fun. So thinking ahead I decided that rather than load all the kids up and go around from relatives to relatives we would just go around our good old neighborhood. It would beat the heck out of loading and unloading 4 carseats all night. I called my sister and invited her and her family over for chili and cornbread and to trick or treat with us. Then my mom offered to bring hot dogs for chili dogs and her and my dad hung out with Gage so that the rest of us could venture out. And last, our Grandparents came to us and brought fun decorations to entertain the kids for the next couple days.

Halloween was a spooky success!

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