Friday, June 22, 2012

Sunshine on a cloudy day

Thursday was the last day of school.
Woo Hoo!!

Jeff worked long days Monday thru Wednesday and one day the kids didn't even see him.
Thursday when Braxton was officially done with school at 1:00pm I loaded up the kids and drove south to where Jeff has been working.
I packed a picnic and brought our bathing suits.
Jeff met us at the beach and he and I laid on the sand and laughed at our crazy kids as they....


They are so funny.
Adelle started the craziness getting in knee deep in her dress and soaking herself. She then wanted to swim and got into her swimsuit,
which persuaded Braxton,
which persuaded Emmett.

Next they were all in the water.
Emmett for a split second.
Braxton, only because he had to prove to Adelle that if she could do it, he could do it.
Braxton was shivering the whole time and calling, "Emmett come in it's really fun!" We on the shore were not the slightest bit convinced.
Adelle though was happy as a little clam. Literally.

It was a really fun, relaxing, nice day.
We are ready for some sunshine and many beach days to come!!

Notice Braxton in his coat part of the time and in the water part of the time?
And just for my own record when I read this in 40 years or so... the temperature was a whooping 58 degrees at the Bay and 68 on the whole drive there. 
Summer means summer to these kids I guess! 

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