Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Words are Not for Hurting

The title of this post is a book we are reading right now with our kids. It's really simple and well written and we are enjoying it.

I've had this concept on my mind since last week. I didn't check out the book because I felt like there was an issue in our family, although there is always room for improvement. I checked out the book because last week as we were leaving the park I witnessed from afar 3 grown men in the parking lot yelling, swearing, and belittling each other. After it made me sad, it made me sick. It was so awful. My kids did not notice, thankfully. We were far enough away that I didn't even notice until they were all safely strapped inside and I was loading up the stroller into the back of the car. One man was on a bike, the other two were in separate cars. I couldn't believe how they were treating each other. It really saddened me and I wondered how they could treat each other so wrongly?

Do they know that they have worth? Do they have people in their lives who love them and who build them up to not care what others think/say to them?

Then another thought slapped me upside the I ever use words to hurt? Not in the parking lot for goodness sake!

So here's to happy words and using words to build others up!

On that note Adelle is a champ. She is the sweetest thing ever and I know I often convey her as being spunky and sassy but she is so much more. She is a doll!!

So I am in my bedroom adjusting my new swimsuit to make sure I am all nice and covered,
Adelle walks in "mom!!! you look beautiful!! Is that new? Where did you get it? Can I please have it when I get bigger??"
She runs into the other room, "Dad, you have to come see my mom in her new swim suit. She looks so beautiful."
It goes on and on but you get the point.
Needless to say I didn't need anyone else's approval. That little girl made me feel like a billion bucks!


The Bowldens said...

i love when kids complement you! you know its the truth. adelle is such a sweetie!

Unknown said...

I read this to Les and Sarah... and this brought tears to my eyes! Adelle is so sweet and she knows you are worth way more than a billion bucks!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Adelle is a sweetheart! :) Love you guys

Jeremy Saunders said...

I love this post. Words do hurt. I believe this. Jeremy and I hardly fight and we never use our words to hurt. I am glad for this. Our kids are the same way, I think the worst they have ever said to each other when they were really upset was, "You're a jerk!" Because I don't think they know anything worse to say, I am thankful for that. You are such a good mom.

Isn't it interesting and amazing that our kids see our worth? ANd think we are the most beautiful ladies they've ever seen!?
What tender mercies!