Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I had some friends from high school over the other night for dinner and we were "girl talking" and one of my good friends noticed some buckets in the corner labeled "wheat" and she was like, "what is this." "Wheat," I said. Then she started cracking up laughing, like really laughing. After I explained to her the method to my madness she decreased her laughing but never completely stopped. A few weeks later when the stock market was suddenly dropping and banks were in turmoil she called me and was like, "wow, maybe the whole food thing you have going on isn't such a crazy idea." "It gives me a lot of comfort," was what I told her.

It's true, I find comfort knowing that I have a house/garage full of food, should I ever need it and not be able to get out to get it. This past year Jeff and I made a resolution to increase our food storage supply. I really, really want to go to Hawaii with my husband and kids but I must be getting old and more mature because I have really enjoyed saving extra money and using it for food storage. Jeff has been building me shelves in any spare room we can find for storage, here is the garage.
Braxton is totally into helping. He got to wheel the sealed mylar bags from the kitchen to the back bedroom. He didn't get to help in the packaging process, that could have been really fun? The "food grade" buckets are filled with beans, wheat, and oatmeal. They fit really well in Adelle's closet and aparently they are also really fun to sit on (and really high to fall from).
I'm dorky, but here I am demonstating how easy this process is that we have been doing. You buy the bulk of whatever (I found split peas and lentils at cash and carry and brown rice at Costco) pour it into mylar bags, throw in an oxygen absorber and iron the bag at the open end to seal it. It's amazing and quick and easy and the bags are perfect for storing smaller portions....
This was actually our date night last week and what an efficient and productive date it was! Also the mylar bags are really nice because you can fit them in a small space, under the bed, in the closet....wherever.
More shelves in the garage! Here I have a variety of dried foods right outside the door into the house so I can stand on the ledge in my socks and reach whatever I need. So handy! So here's the formula folks: More food= more comfort =more sitting at home in your pajamas when it's snowing hard and you don't want to venture out for hot cocoa (or milk or sugar or rice....)


Vashti said...

It's always great to hear how people are improving their lives-it makes me want to do more! I'm glad you wrote this b/c it inspires me to get more organized (all the shelving) and get more on top of food storage! Way to go Ashmore family ;)

Taryn said...

I'm very impressed and slightly jealous! You're awesome! Our house needs a lot of room for improvement there:-/

Kelsey said...

That's impressive! Paul and I have just started our food storage, we aren't to where you are yet, but maybe someday.

Tay Abbie Mia said...

Wow you are very organized. I need to get better about that. I love the pictures of Braxton's bday. I often say to myself "I can't believe we have a 13 year old" It flies by way to fast:}

Nancy and Spencer said...

I'm so impressed! You've motivated me even more than I thought I already was. I didn't even know you could pack your own mylar bags! Sweet!!

Peter and Lesha said...

You amaze me, I know I have three cans under my bed, I know where to come I guess. J/K it's hard to get on it when I really don't enjoy eating food storage food I know I would in an emergency but aren't you suppose to eat it all the time too? anyway good job come over and get me going.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I share your excitement for food storage. It was hard, but totaly doable. I heard Brother Jones say recently how only 12% of members have their food storage. That was shocking to me. Havent the presidency been telling us to do foodstorage for 40-60 years? Good for you though. Those statistics show how you're one in the small few of faithful members. And for those of us who aren't done yet, the stats make us work even harder so we're not the majority.

Johnny and Eirian said...

Wow- your food storage is admirable!! We've got some work to do to be prepared, for sure. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ms. Molly said...

Would you like a brand new seal a meal? I'd love to give it to you if you will use it...