It's Tuesday. My favorite day of the week because I get to go to MomSpot. Sandwiched between my favorite day Monday; my day at home to do laundry and take Adelle and Emmett to library, and my favorite day Wednesday, when I drive Braxton and his buddy to preschool and hang out in Bellingham. All these days are favorites. As well as Thursday's when the cousins come over to be crazy and Fridays when I sometimes sew with my friend and am often spoiled with a date, compliments of my heart throb. Saturdays are my favorite day to make big breakfasts, go on family outings/walks and Sundays are my all time favorite day with my family, going to church and if I'm lucky getting a nap, or just time alone on a quiet afternoon with my husband and if I'm really lucky, a dinner cooked by someone other than myself (sometimes Jeff, more often my mom/dad or aunt Angela.) So here I am with lots of favorites and, rightfully so.
So back to Tuesday. We're driving to MomSpot and we are running late. How frustrating this is to me! Traffic is bad, we had to get all bundled up... Responsible people should not be late because late can mean lazy, and that I am not! It's not that I'm late because I overslept or because I was blogging or giving myself a pedicure. I'm late, and this happens more frequently than desired, because I try and squeeze as many things into as little time and I always overdo it. I over schedule myself over and over again and it's nobody's fault but my own. My mom came over a few weeks ago and I was feeling overwhelmed with life. The kids were eating their breakfast of homemade biscuits. She looked me straight in the eye and with her mom tone she said, "Andrea Dawn, what are you doing making biscuits?? Give the kids cereal for crying out loud!" So true, and yet really difficult for me to do.
So back to running late. The kids are happy in the backseat and I can see all three of them in my rear view mirror.
Smile. Emmett is squawking because he's ticked to be facing the wrong way and the older two are glued to the DVD player that came with our car and that I honestly love (all pride aside this thing is awesome). They are watching Kung Fu Panda and without paying attention I start to ponder on the advice in the movie. Mind you I can't see the screen, eyes on the road, but because the kids are silent I can hear loud and clear and my mind starts to process the lines from the movie...
nothing is impossible" this is so much easier said than done. Why do I doubt. I have faith, I think. I try really hard but I still fear for some reason. Why do I fear. I know we are capable. I know it will work out.
one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" Isn't it interesting how true this statement is. The first thought that comes to mind is my marriage. lol. I was so adamant about not marrying until after I had graduated college and blah, blah, blah. 28 days after our first date, and halfway done with college, we were engaged. Absolutely crazy and somehow absolutely perfect.
"your mind is like this water, when it is agitated you are unable to see. Allow it to settle and the answer becomes clear" Never argue when you are mad. Peace. I need to be better about not getting too flustered because it confuses my brain and all logic flies out the window. Tired for me equal agitation. Go to bed earlier. Listen more carefully to my husband who is rarely agitated and not crazy (like I am lately).
there are no accidents" Emmett, my dear Emmett. You came at the time when you were meant and prepared to come and you have blessed my life every moment of yours. Jeff got laid off when he was supposed to. We are where we are for a reason. Life is good. I am growing and being strengthened and supported. It's all meant to be.
yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present" I am grateful for this day. I am grateful to go to MomSpot, even if I am running late. How can I help someone else to have a good day? I will say hi to everyone I see and really mean it. My children will never be this age or in this stage again. I will cherish it. My husband thinks I look good and that's all that matters. I will appreciate that and live up to it.
it takes years to develop ones flexibility" then I guess I am still one young chick! Becoming a mother has helped me with this but I have a ways to go. I'm not being literal here, people.
you must believe" So true. Let go Andrea. Trust.
you will never fulfill your destiny until you let go of the illusion of control" Let it be. Let go. Let him be the husband. He's really good at it. Let them grow up, and mess up, and learn. That's what kids do and it's o.k. I will just be the wife and the mom. That's a lot for me right now anyway. I have a role. It is not to worry or fret. It is not to doubt or blame. I am not the expert at everything. I will be an instrument in the hand of my loving Heavenly Father.
So tonight, Tuesday night, I ponder on this day and on my life and my situation. I re-think about the lines from the movie and with a chuckle I remember
"there are no accidents". I was meant to listen to that council on this day. Even if it came from a Disney movie.
Today was
"...a gift.." and I was blessed. Did I cherish it? Yes. Did I "
believe"? Yes. Am I perfect? No, but hey, there was no quote in the movie saying I'm supposed to be perfect!